Start your dropshipping business with Scalehat!

Find Hot products to sell! No prior investment.

✔ Find the most popular items

✔ Sync the listings easily

✔ Fast Automatic Ordering

10-days Free Trial. No Credit Card Required.

How to start working with Scalehat?

We prepared this video to help you understand how Scalehat works. Our team is always here to support you on the way

Why Dropshipping with Scalehat?

Best products with Finder tool

Find a popular product based on its sales statistics. You can use the products found by our tool or upload any others at your discretion

Automated Trackings

Trackings automatically uploaded to your store. You can keep under control all your orders

Quick Auto-Ordering

When your buyer makes order in your store our tool automatically purchases this item on your source market using the buyer’s data

Set prices efficiently

Choose necessary parameters for Repricing and get desirable profit. Our Repricing tool checks item price and quantity every 15 min.

We appreciate our customers! Here what they say about Scalehat

Recommended Scalehat to my friends

Syed Abaji

Really cool service! Easy to use.

John Sakellu

Thanks guys, I’ve earned my first profit with you!

Anita Swenner

Recommended Scalehat to my friends

Syed Abaji

Really cool service! Easy to use.

John Sakellu

Thanks guys, I’ve earned my first profit with you!

Anita Swenner

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use Scalehat for free?

Scalehat has 4 plans: Starter, Premium, Business and Enterprise. You have 10 free days to learn all Scalehat features and choose the most appropriate plan for you. You may always switch to a different plan.
Starter plan is $15 per month. Up to 500 listings can be synced and repriced.
Make your business more and more successful with Scalehat!

What countries are available for selling in with Scalehat?

Almost all countries are available. You can see the whole list of markets and countries on our site. You need to choose the best payment method to buy products and sell them to your buyers.

Do I need to pay for the item beforehand?

No need. You pay only after your buyer has finished the purchase in your store. So you don’t need to think about it, just work with your store and your buyers

Can I list items from Amazon or eBay?

You can list products from Amazon. However Amazon is available as a source and target market both. You can even buy and sell on Amazon at the same time, just working with different countries. And also many other markets can be used as sources[!!!это ссылка на marketplaces!!!] (like Aliexpress, Homedepot etc.)

Can Scalehat be used with other ecommerce platforms (Magento, WooCommerce, Wordpress etc.)?

Yes. Scalehat works not only with eBay and Amazon. Shopify and WooCommerce are also used. Or you can use API

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